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Global Voice

Sharing Our Story

Society is built off the collective perspectives, stories, and experiences of everyone in the community. However many news outlets and media choose to focus on a single narrative instead of opening a platform for many voices to be heard.

With Global Voice I hope to create a place in which people can share the different experiences they have gone through, hopefully allowing others to empathize and connect with them opposed to using the judgmental mindset we often tend to take when we base groups off common stereotypes.  

City View


Stereotypes and single narratives affect how we interact with one another. It is easy to think of others as simply the background characters to the life we are living, but these individual people have their own interests, their own lives, their own feelings, and emotions.


Even if we think certain issues do not affect us, it is important to note that this does not mean they do not matter.

"The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. They make one story become the only story." - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie


By encouraging sharing individual perspectives, we are on the road to reconciliation.


Spreading unbiased current events to others who may not be aware of them is crucial, as knowledge of an issue is the only way we can take action to resolve them. Only if people are aware can they brainstorm ideas, and these ideas have the potential to create positive change.


The overall mission of this project is for there to be an increase in representation and empathy.

Lights in the Dark

Meet Our Team

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